Kathmandu-– Howard E. Michel, President and CEO of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) has launched the IEEE Nepal Subsection in Kathmandu on January 25, 2015.
Comprising the world’s largest number of members established since very long, IEEE- The world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology for humanity is a well settled society maintaining its own standard in the field of electrical and electronic engineering. In today’s world IEEE is known as the society which publishes a large number of technical papers, establishing its own standard and serving other engineering, commercial and educational activities. For example; today we use IEEE standard 802.11 wifi. The society has nearly five millions active participants from more than 160 countries working as scientific, technical, engineering and research and development on the areas of electrical, electronics, computer, telecom and robotics.
The IEEE chapter that started last Friday has seen the president and other two dozen participants representing Japan, South Korea, and India as well as other Asian countries attending the chapter in Kathmandu. The seminar was organized along with the annual meeting of directors from area no. 10, this Sunday.

The technical seminar has more than a dozen participants presented on the following subjects i.e. literacy challenges in 21st century, feasibility of robotics in health care, opportunities in MEMS technology and innovative research.
During IEEE Region 10 Technical Seminar, IEEE President Michel has presented IEEE Mission and Vision. “IEEE is not going to provide Job Security but it’s going to provided Courier security by organizing the scientific seminar”, he said. The main responsibility of Region 10 to educate the local volunteers as well as support to local people, he added.
In the seminar, Region 10 Immediate past Director, Dr. Toshio Fukuda, Professor Beijin Institute Of Technology, Nagoya University Japan was presented ‘Robotics and its application in medical science’. Similarly Dr. Kukjin Chun, Professor Seoul National University, Korea and R10 Director-Elect, presented MEMS technology and its application, ‘Education in 21 century-challenges and opportunity’ by Dr. H.P. Kincha, R10 Life Member Coordinator; Innovation research solving real world problems-assistive technology by Dr. Ramalatha Marimuthu, Prof. Sathyabama University, India and R10 Vice Chair, Technical Activities 2015.
IEEE publishes more than one third of worldwide technical issues through journals and conferences. There are thirty nine different categorized technical societies in IEEE. Through this categorized society thousands of conferences and articles are published in transaction of more than 170 annually. More than 35 million of researched articles conclude these published articles which are stored in digital library named IEEE Explore. This digital library experience more than 80 millions of downloads per day said, Michel.
Dr. Arun K. Timalsian, Associate Professor of Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal and Founding Chair, Nepal Sub-section has said, “The objective behind the program so organized was the expansion of IEEE in the context of Nepal for the greater and international recognition initiating towards internationalization of the research development of Nepal.”